Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Well, I'm behind again...what a surprise! So, here's a quick re-cap of some of the fun we had in March.
Playing at McDonald's and getting an ice cream

My annual pass to Spring's Preserve ran up in March, so I took the kids there one last time

They loved seeing the animals, watching the flash flood, and playing in the sand and on this train

Playing at Lone Mountain park - Lexi obviously dressed herself!

Our play group did a tour of Peter Piper Pizza, and you got to make your own pizza

The kids (and moms) loved that one!

Jeff's parents came to visit us one weekend. It was so fun to have there here. We went to Lake Las Vegas on Saturday to eat and walk around

I love this picture! One nice day the kids just went to hang out in the back yard together.


We got passes to Lied Children's museum, and we met Catherine (Jane's sister-in-law), Cooper, and Brennan there. They have the cutest Clifford exhibit there right now. I was so excited to catch up with Cat, but chasing my two little wanderers around is a full time job ( I lost them both several times) so we hardly had a chance to talk!

Jackson loved playing with tools

And we had our first Primary activity on Saturday, March 28th. It was so much fun, and we had a great turn out with over 60 kids (even though we had to change the time the week before the activity due to a funeral - as we learned, a funeral trumps all other planned events at the church building). First we had the kids make and decorate baskets out of paper bags & pipe cleaner handles.

Then they split up in groups and went to eight different rooms to learn about the events from the last supper through the resurrection. In each room the leader read a scripture and explained the even that occurred. Then the kids got something to put in a plastic egg that represented the event as well as a strip of paper with the corresponding scripture. (toothpick cross and tiny nail for the crucifixion, piece of white cloth and herbs for preparing Jesus' body for burial, fake dimes for Judas betraying Christ for 30 pieces of silver, etc.) The idea was that the kids could then take their basket of eggs home and use them for FHE with their families.

After that we all gathered back in the gym, played a few games games, gave the kids a candy filled egg, and then headed out to the grass, where we gave the kids cupcakes while they waited to be picked up(no mess in the church)!
It was great, and I was so grateful for all the work that the presidency and Shannon, our "Primary Activity Coordinator" put into it. I knew I was inspired when I made up that calling! :)