The day after my trip to Utah, my mom flew into town. We had a crazy few days together.

We loved swimming at the Tew's pool, eating out, looking for new houses, and hanging out. Kurt flew in a few days later, and then they went to stay at their hotel on the strip. On Saturday we spent the day with them swimming and lounging around by the pool. It was so nice! I'm so bummed we didn't take any pictures of them, but we loved having them visit. This trip Lexi called Kurt "Curtain" the whole time. It was pretty funny.
They flew out Monday morning but had their hotel room until Tuesday, so I took the kids down on Monday and we spent the day swimming and hanging out. Jeff met us that evening and we ate and then went swimming again. Later that night we decided to walk with the kids down the strip to watch the Pirate show at Treasure Island. We got ice cream and then waited for the show to start.

We waited for almost an hour, and then they announced that it was too windy so they cancelled the show. Dang it! But they had the pirates inside the hotel to take pictures.

Jackson walked right up to them for his picture. So funny! After we stopped by the Wynn waterfall and then went back to the hotel.

We stayed over night and then the kids and I swam until check out at 1. It was such a fun last minute getaway, even though it was so close to home.