The weekend after Thanksgiving we went to Williams, AZ, with four other families in our ward for the Polar Express. We had so much fun.
Kiddies in their pajamas
Here's our whole group before we got on the train

On the train we sang songs and read the Polar Express story

they served hot chocolate and cookies. Jackson was so exhausted that he fell asleep sitting up and holding his cookie!
The kids were really excited to meet Santa. He gave them each a bell.

Man that was fun! What a blast! We need to do it again!
So fun Judy!! Looks like the kids had a blast!! Hope to see you guys over Christmas!!
That looks like so much fun! What a great idea!! Your kids are getting big and they are so darn cute!!!
We did this once, it was SOOO fun and we were sad we moved before we had the chance to do it again. Looks like you guys had a great time!
You guys are such party animals, I would complain too! Crazy mormons and their rootbeers!
It looks like you guys had so much fun. Grant is dying to do a polar express. They are just so darn far away. You guys are awesome for making the trek. How far away is williams AZ did i get that right? Anyway we miss you guys. My cell is dead and I can't afford to replace it our home number is 823-1977 also matt is with watson rounds now. A lot has changed. It's nice to see what your up to on the blog. Merry christmas to you and your family. Love, Kristie
That looks like so much fun! And your kids are just so dang adorable. :)
I hope you all had a Merry Christmas. :)
That looks like so much fun! And your kids are just so dang adorable. :)
I hope you all had a Merry Christmas. :)
Those pictures were adorable. And I love the ones that you sent me for Christmas.
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