Last week ( I guess it's been two weeks now) I drove up to Utah on Monday with the kids. We actually made it the whole 5 - 1/2 hours without stopping, which was a miracle to me! The kids did so great, thanks to our new DVD player. It was fun to be home for a day before Jane and I headed out to Miami...
Day 1 - The Endless TravelsEarly Wednesday morning, Jane and I drove to SLC airport at 6:30 am to catch our flight to Miami. It was snowing, and after we boarded the plane, we sat there for three hours (without being able to get up) before we took off. Ugh! We were also starving, and by the time the food cart got to us, they were sold out of everything except bagels! So frustrating. So, we finally got to Atlanta and had missed our connection to Miami. They had rescheduled us on a flight the next morning, but we were determined to make it to Miami that night. We waited on stand-by for a few flights, and finally caught one a few hours later to Ft. Lauderdale. From there we shuttled to Miami airport, picked up our luggage, and headed to the hotel. We finally got there just before midnight Miami time.

Day 2 - Dinner for One
Thursday we slept in until 12:30! (That's only 9:30 Vegas time, so I didn't feel bad!) Jane felt totally sick when we got up, but I thought it was just a little morning sickness or something. I went down to the pool, ordered my virgin strawberry-pinacolada (the first of many!), and waited for her.
It was a perfect day with clear, sunny skies. After a few hours, Jane finally came down, but only for about a half an hour. She was so sick and tired. She must have had the 24 hour flu or something. After she left, I went to the beach and swam by myself. I hadn't been to the beach since summer, and the water was perfect. I loved it.
Late afternoon I went back to the hotel and Jane was still feeling sick. I went and got her chicken soup at a deli, but she couldn't even eat that! Anyway, I was sitting there thinking, "I can either sit here in the hotel room, or I can just go out to dinner by myself." So I did! I had never gone to a restaurant by myself to eat, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Jane wanted me to stay close, so I just went to the restaurant on the patio of our hotel that overlooks the pool. Dinner was great, and right as I was finishing this band was setting up. They just looked like a few local kids, and I wasn't expecting to stay and listen, but then they played their first song, and they were AMAZING!! I ended up staying there until 11:30, talking to the band, and meeting some of the main singer's family who were sitting at the table right behind me. They've just been signed with a group that's part of Warner Brothers and have an EP coming out in March. You have to check it out: They don't normally play at hotels, they were just doing it as a favor to someone last minute. Lucky for me!
Day 3 - Just Another Day in Paradise
On Friday Jane felt much better - yay! We spent the day at the pool and the beach. We took our lunch to the beach, and all of these birds started coming towards us.
While I was holding a sandwich one of the birds flew right by my hand, and it scared me so badly that I threw the sandwich in the sand. That night we went out to a restaurant called Nemos and shopped a little bit. On our way home we got mango & passion fruit gelato - to die for! (Don't ask me what I'm cracking up at in this pic!)
Day 4 - Good Day Sunshine
Saturday was forecasted to have scattered thunderstorms in the morning and afternoon. Luckily we woke up to sunny skies, and it stayed that way until around 4pm. It was so nice to have another day relaxing in the sun. We talked, laid out, swam, ate, walked on the path by the beach, and just had a great time. That night we were heading to the Ritz Carlton for dinner, but it started pouring rain, so we walked in the closest hotel to us, the Delano. Turns out it was the COOLEST place! The lobby was also a restaurant/bar, and everyone was totally done up. You seriously felt like celebrities were going to start walking by. We decided to stay there for dinner. The food was amazing, and it was so fun to people-watch.

When we got back to the hotel, we made some bows for our girls, watched a movie, and started packing.
Day 5 - I'm Leaving On a Jet PlaneSunday we basically spent the day travelling home. We went to the airport early to try to get on an earlier flight, but everything was full. Dang it! We finally got home at 1:30pm.
It was so fun to see my kids the next morning. We spent the day hanging out and driving around Alpine/Highland looking for homes for Jane. Tuesday morning I packed everything up and headed back to Vegas. We made the whole drive without stopping again. It's been fun to be home for a few days...we're off to Disneyland again this week!