I'm not so sure anymore! Last week we spent three and a half days at Disneyland/California adventure, and we had more than our share of moments that looked like this:
The look on Jeff's face cracks me up. I can just hear him, "Lexi, we asked you not to _________ " (take Jackson's bottle, hit Jackson, hit mommy, hit daddy, climb on the railing, pull mom's hair, etc.)! I don't think Lexi has ever been so naughty! But, despite her bad behavior, the long lines, and the unexpectedly cold weather, we still had some fun.

On the first day there, a women came up to us and was cracking up. She looked at Jackson and said, "now that's JackJack (from the Incredibles) if I've ever seen him!" She couldn't believe that his name was actually Jackson, and we do call him JackJack sometimes. Everyone at the gym daycare calls him that, too.

So, what do you think? Do you see the resemblance? Pretty funny.

On Wednesday our good friends, the Banners, came to spend the afternoon with us. It was so fun to see them. Thanks for meeting us on a cold, windy day!

Lexi and Kaitlyn have so much fun together. Here they are giving their CHEESIEST smiles!

That same evening Jeff's dad came and met us at Disneyland. He was so nice to watch the kids so Jeff and I could go on a few rides together. He also spoiled the kids at the toy store.

He got Jackson his first official Disneyland attire!
Lexi picked a pack of princesses. She was in heaven playing with them back at the hotel. I looked over at her right as she was going to sleep, and I loved how she had lined them all up in a row next to the bed.

On Thursday Jeff's sister, Emily, met us with her kids, and it was fun to see them.
One of the benefits of Lexi being a giant is that at 2 1/2 she already meets the 40" height requirement for many of the rides. On this trip she rode the Matterhorn, Thunder Mountain, Space Mountain, and Splash Mountain.

I think this is how she got through all the big rides!
And I think this was Jackson's favorite ride for the week (as Jeff was wheeling the luggage from the hotel)! 
At the end of the trip, we were all pretty exhausted. (I love how Jackson is sucking on Jeff's sweatshirt in this!) We're happy to be home for a while. I told Jeff no more trips until summer!
We're all glad you're back! The pics are sooo great - LOVED Lexi covering her eyes! LOVED JackJack! That was great!
So cute! That makes me miss you guys even more!! We NEED NEED NEED to be neighboors again! Thanks for a fun day/night!!!
I love all your pictures!!! I'm so jealous you guys get to go to disneyland so much. I agree with that lady, Jackson does resemble JackJack. He's so cute!
So cute. I love Jackjack, totally true! and Lexi IS huge, oh my gosh, i don't think Zach is that tall yet and he's 3. you keep growing girl, and start playing volleyball already eh?
I'm glad other people have kids that are naughty when you least expect it. It makes me feel normal!
What?! No more trips until summer? That doesn't sound like the Judy I know and love!
Great recap of your trip. I loved the photos. And Jackson as JackJack? I'm still dying over that one!
Great pics! They totally capture how Disneyland is with kids. Jackson is Jack Jack, that's hilarious!
So cute. It is so funny to see you guys with your kids. When we lived by you, you were livin it up. oh how things change.....for the better, right? We love Disney Land but, I imagine it will be bad when mara is little older.
It sounds like you were pretty busy seeing lot's of friends and family but next time you are around, give us a call....we are only about 10 minutes from disneyland and we have annual passes. Looks like a great trip.
Jackson totally looks like JackJack! That's crazy! What a fun trip :)
He's totally Jack Jack! So funny!!
Disney Land sounds like fun. Like I said every time I look at your blog, I swear its a blog on disney land, I'm pretty sure you'll go again! :)
Oh my gosh, Jackson is the cutest little boy!! I LOVE that picture of him!!
Ok seriously, we need to plan our trips to Cali at the same time! We miss you guys! Cute pictures!
i need your email address. i went private. veecochick@yahoo.com
I can totally understand about how Disney Land can be sort of a miserable experience after our trip there last summer. Still, I think we need to give it another shot when it's not miserably hot and super crowded. Don't worry about Lexi, either. She's being perfectly normal. I love the JackJack photo comparison. What a cutie! And Katelyn would be so jealous of Lexi's princess dolls...
What a fun trip for you guys! So, maybe Taggart isn't too young for Disneyland. Yes it is official you have a little JackJack!
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