Easter was so much fun this year. It was a little hectic, too, because we had a BUSY weekend. Saturday we worked out, went to Springs Preserve, grocery shopped and then had a BBQ with the Jensons. That night we got home late, and I was in charge of Sharing Time the next day, so I stayed up until after midnight finishing preparing for that and getting ready for Sunday morning. Since Jeff is Executive secretary, he has meetings before church. Church starts at 9:00, so I have to get myself and the two kids all ready and out the door by 8:45. (And we are not morning people - we usually sleep until around 9:00!) So to get ready on time, I have to have EVERYTHING set out the night before: everyone's outfits, shoes, Primary stuff, and especially the diaper bag: prep sippie cups and extra milk, snacks, books, diapers, wipes, keys, etc.
When I woke Lexi up last Sunday, I told her I had a new Easter dress for her, and she was so excited! Here she is wearing it (along with the necklace she made in nursery).

Jeff also has meetings after church, which means that I also bring the kids home alone. Last Sunday I got home, put Jackson down for a nap, and then made funeral potatoes. As soon as Jeff walked through the door, I ran the potatoes and ham to the Jenson's to start baking. I ran home, got the kids ready, and prepped eggs for the Easter Egg Hunt we were going to have. At three we met at the Jensons, where we had Easter dinner with their family and Felicity, Nathaniel, and Asher. We had a FEAST! Everything was delicious. We ate and ate and ate.

The kids loved playing in the back yard. Jackson just wandered all over.

Lexi loves jumping on their new trampoline. Here she is with Hailey.

After dinner we had the egg hunt, which the kids loved. Jackson didn't waste any time before he dumped everything out of his basket, opened the eggs, and found candy!

Affter the egg hunt, we had dessert. We had put the three girls outside to eat, and when they were done Jackson found their plates!