Well, it's been a long time since I just gave an update on the kids and what's going on with our family in general. So, here it is!
Jackson - he's 17 months now. In a few more weeks he'll go to nursery, and we can't wait! He is in to everything, loves making messes, and has a temper that already scares me! If you take something away from him, he'll start screaming, throw himself onto the floor, or the latest is he'll just start hitting and knocking things over. So fun! He still doesn't talk much. He's got mama, dada, Jackson (also sounds like "dada," but he points to himself), "nnn" for nose, moo sound, "woof woof" sound for dogs and "more," which he signs. A few weeks ago I went looking for him in the hall and found this:

and within a few days I went into the kitchen to get him, and he was no where to be found. Then I heard something and opened the door to this cupboard and found this:

Jackson also recently discovered how fun it was to lay back in the bath. Of course then Lexi had to show us that she could also lay back!

Lexi will be turn three next week. I can't believe it! She's having a hard time waiting for her birthday to get her presents, which she saw me buy a few days ago. Next time I'll shop without her! She has been busy lately. In May we signed her up for her first class. It was gymnastics and met once a week for six weeks. Here she is in her little outfit for the class:

She loves it. She calls it her "underwear dress!"

One night Jeff put it on Jackson. It looked so funny. Lexi didn't like seeing him in her dress!
The first day we got to class and Lexi ran to the mat and started biting her toes! My friend took a picture of it, becuase I didn't have my camera. Yuck! Lexi was a good head taller than everyone else in class. The teacher asked her how old she was, because it's supposed to be a class for 3 year olds, and she looks four. Lexi said "two." The teacher couldn't believe it, so she turned to me and asked, "how old is Lexi?" I just laughed and told her she really was two.
Here's Lexi on the bar doing her first and only flip. She thought it was scary, so the rest of the class when they did the bar she just hung from her arms and did a little swing back and forth. That was money well spent! :)
Last week Lexi also started swim lessons. Two of her friends, Ashley and Hailey, are also in the class. Lexi loves to run over to me during class and tell me what she did ("mom, I put my face under!" or "mom I kicked my legs!")

Poor Jackson just has to watch the action from his stroller.

Here's Lexi with Hailey and Ashley

A few weeks ago I found this Little Tikes climber/slide on craigslist. The kids have been on it all day everyday since. I think in the last three weeks we've already got our money's worth!

We've had a crazy few weeks doing a ton of fun things. Lexi and I put on temporary tattoos!

Last week we had classes every morning, two swim parties, and different things every night of the week. Here are the kids at one of the swim parties (they had a sandbox that they loved playing in after we swam).

And Wednesday night we went to the park and played tennis with our friends while the kids played at the park (we took turns watching the kids).

Thursday night we went to the temple. Friday night it was Ireland's first birthday party at the park.

Saturday Jeff went for an all day hike with the young men to the top of Mt. Charleston, and that night we went shopping at Town Square.
Friday night I was also asked to speak in church on Sunday. Ugh! Worst timing! They asked me to speak on how the Priesthood has affected my life. I did it, and I'm just happy it's over!
Jeff still loves the new firm that he is at, which is great. And me? I'm just trying to survive the craziness that is my life! :) No, things are great. I'm looking forward to a trip to Utah later this week to see my family/friends and meet my newest little niece!