Monday, June 9, 2008

I don't exist!

So, I've seen several blogs where people have gone to the site and figured out how many people have their same names. Well, I just did it, and here was my result:

There are 0 (zero) people in the U.S. named Judy Luszeck!

Wow, all this time I thought I was someone! Not only that, but they say that there are no people with the last name Luszeck. They just wiped out our whole family!


Lindsay said...

Haha that is really funny! You should write them and tell them they need to update their system a little! Just checked on my name, says there's just one of me. I was kind of hoping for zero though...

Freer Family said...

That's funny! I knew there was no truth to that thing.We know you exist and we love ya!