Thursday night and Friday we went up to the cabin at wildwood. Kel was in town with her kids so it was really fun to see them again. The kids loved exploring the cabin and deck, playing in the water, and being with family. I enjoyed little tidbits of conversation that I could squeeze in between running after one child or the other and playing tennis with my dad.
Paxman cousins minus Sierra
Sunday plans changed (again!), and I stayed down in Provo. I went to Brooke & Rich's ward with Kel and her kids and Kathryn and Jenn. It was fun to see what their ward was like. You could just tell it was full of GREAT people. I ran into some friends from BYUH and one from BYULondon.
After church, Jackson loved being held by grandpa. I tried to get him to come to me so I could put him down for a nap, but he would just give me this smile as if to say "sorry mom, I'm happy where I am!"
Cute PaxHoop cousins enjoying popsicles
Monday Jane and I played waterballoon games with all of the kids outside and then went swimming at the Dastrups. They live up Provo Canyon and have the most beautiful place with an amazing view! That night JonJon came into town and we all had dinner and then did birthday cake for Lexi and Brooke with everyone. I can't believe my baby is three!
Cake, again!
And more presents!
Tuesday most of my family left to Lake Powell. Jane and I took our kids to the dinosaur museum with Elizabeth Harmer. It was really fun. Afterwards I packed up the car and the kids and headed home a day early! We made it home in five hours with no stops again. It's been nice to be home. I decided no more trips without Jeff. It's too hard!
Judy, it was so good to see you. Sorry we weren't at so much. Final week with my parents, etc. But it was great to see you. You're so brave to come on your own! Can't wait to spend some more time together next time! (whether that's here or in Las Vegas!)
I hear ya with the "no trips without dad" stuff! It's SO MUCH work now- always sounds a lot better staying in the comfort of your own home lately :) PS- I just founf Jackson's shirt- not until today did it surface :) I'm starting to think I'm not the best cleaner maybe?
How fun! Now, no mention of the caravan I noticed???! J/K! Like, getting run off the road by a crazy semi, getting tailgated by a limo... Hmmm... :)
Lexi looks like she's got your pretty blonde BLONDE hair.
She looks a lot like you but then again a lot like Jeff.
She definitely is pretty because of YOU though :)
And I love Jackson's mohawk! :) That's AWESOME!
I hope all is well. And I love that I get to be kind of a part of your life again through blogger. As pathetic and lame as that sounds, I just love being able to be updated and stuff with you again! :)
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