For the 4th of July, we went to Portland to see my mom, Kurt, and my brother, Jon. We had the best time! My mom and Kurt totally spoiled us!! They were so helpful with the kids, fed us great meals and had all sorts of fun things planned. It was so great to spend time with them again. Besides a brief few hour visit in Utah a few weeks ago, my mom hadn't seen me or the kids since Jackson was born!

It was Jackson's first time on an airplane

Here the kids were entertained by the DVD player (at least for a few minutes!) and were sharing headphones for the first time. Jackson first tried to eat them! We had to show them how they worked in his ear.

Kurt picked us up at the airport and took us to meet mom and Jon at a park for dinner and to let the kids play. It's so green and beautiful in Portland!

Wednesday morning mom took us to the zoo. I think that was the kids first time at one.

You can buy cups of juice to feed the birds

One of them hopped on my shoulder. As scary as that was for me (not a huge animal person) it was better than the bird that pooped all over my foot and in my shoe! One got Lexi, too.


The kids got to pet and brush baby goats
That afternoon we drove to the beach house that my mom and Kurt built on their own. It's amazing!! When we got there we all walked out to the beach.

We're here!

The kids loved playing in the water

View of South Bend

relaxing on the deck. We did a ton of relaxing and just hanging out, which was so nice.

me and mom - check out the view from the deck! The sun actually came out for a few hours, so we were able to lay out and enjoy the warmth

One of many delicious meals. We also tried oyster shooters (not a huge fan) and had some fresh local crab dipped in butter (to die for!)

We went for several walks. It was nice and cool - highs in the 60s, which felt great after the Vegas heat!

Nana bought sparklers for the kids on the 4th, which they loved

Then we sat on the porch and watched the amazing firework show the neighbors put on

Saturday we drove back to Portland. Kurt arranged a babysitter that night and went to a nice restaurant on NW21st. It was so nice to have a quiet, peaceful meal without the kids interrupting or destroying something!

Sunday morning we got together with our friends from BYUH, Jeremy and Kristin, who now live in Portland. We hadn't seen them in years, and it was so fun to catch up!

Then it was time to say goodbye! Thanks so much for the great week mom and Kurt! We love you!!
Judy, that sounds like so much fun. So good for the kids to have grandparent time. And yummy food! I'm glad it was a good week!
What a fun trip! Jaron and I went out to Longbeach and that is such a fun place. I love the black and white pictures of your kids and you on the beach. Very cute! And that food looks yum!
Fun! The beach looks gorgeous! How nice to have a break from this heat.
Looks like you guys had a blast, I bet it was nice to catch up with your mom and spend some good time with family you don't get to see very often.
What fun! Glad you are home though!
I haven't seen your mom since High school. I'm glad you guys had a fun trip.
I haven't seen your mom since High school. I'm glad you guys had a fun trip.
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