We've been playing at the park, and I started tennis lessons again

A few weeks ago, Mike & Lindsay came into town for a visit. They got a room at the JW Marriott, so we joined them for dinner and then went swimming. The next night Lindsay and I met and went to see MaMa Mia.
Lexi & Kaitlyn
Our special little guy! haha
Here's a picture from their visit in June. We met them at Mandalay Bay for dinner then hung out at their suite at the MGM. So fun!
The weekend of Aug 8th we took a very quick trip to Utah. We got to Provo after midnight Friday night. Saturday we drove up to Heber to meet our friends from Indianapolis. We spent the day with the Gibbs and McKees. We shopped in Park City and swam at an awesome pool in Kamas. That night we got sitters and met up at Tucanos for dinner, shopped at Riverwoods, and went to see Hancock. It was so fun to see them again! Sunday we went up to Wildwood to see Paxman relatives and visit, then we had dinner at my parents' house with some of my family and had to pack up and drive back to Vegas. On the way home we stopped for our first time at Fort Cove and took the little tour, and sadly that is the only time I took pictures the whole weekend! We had a great time, but I don't think we'll do a trip to Utah for that short of a time again!
Here in Vegas we've been doing a lot of swimming, and Lexi is starting to swim on her own. Here's a little video of it:
That's about it for now!