Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Afternoon at the Bellagio
Friday, October 24, 2008
Busy Week
Last Saturday night we took the kids to the Haunted Harvest at Springs Preserve. They had several trick-or-treat stations set up and it was all decorated. We met our friends there, and it was fun!
Monday I took the car in to get our new tires (which we just bought on Friday) checked out because they were making a funny noise. They said it would be just a few minutes, so I took the kids next door to Chuck E Cheese's. An hour later I went back to check and the car hadn't even been looked at yet. Urgh! I was so annoyed I just left. But at least the kids had fun playing games and going on rides...

Sunday, October 12, 2008
Monday, October 6, 2008
Primary Program

Among other things, I had one child give a talk on each topic using their personal experiences (the talk on the temple was given by a boy whose family was sealed two years ago, the talk on following the prophet was by someone who accepted Pres. Hinckley's challenge to read the Book of Mormon, the talk on baptism was by a girl who was baptized this summer, etc.).
Here were two of the talks that I wanted to remember:
The first was by Kaylin, an eleven year old girl. A little background on her - she is the oldest of five kids, and they have been in foster care for a while. Our new bishop and his wife have teken foster kids into their home off and on, and this family of five came to their home a few months ago. They are amazing children. They weren't raised Mormon, but they know every question in primary, know every song, and are just so well behaved. She is not a member of the church (yet)! Anyway, I had her give a talk on the theme, I Am a Child of God, and this is what she wrote:
Before I came to earth I knew there was a plan for me. I knew that there would be trials and I gladly accepted them. Now that I am here on earth I have had many obstacles put in my life and I am so glad that I know that I have a Heavenly Father that loves me and knows what I go through each day.
My mom and dad have made bad choices in their lives that have affected me and my brothers and sisters, but Heavenly Father found a way for us to learn about him and his gospel and the plan for us so I can return home and live with him forever.
I am thankful for the people I have had in my life to teach me about Heavenly father and that he loves me. I know that where ever I end up I can take this knowledge with me and I can keep it and share it. I know that the gospel is true. I believe that the Book of Mormon is true. I believe in prophets, and I will follow their counsel. I love my Heavenly Father and my savior Jesus Christ. I am thankful for my primary teachers that have helped teach me. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
And this next one was by Brock on missionary work:
I am very grateful to be a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Knowing who I am and where I came from and what I am supposed to be doing is a comfort in this unsure world. That is why it is so important to be a member missionary. We can share what we know with our friends, neighbors, and even our teachers.
When I was in kindergarten our family read an article in the Friend one morning about a boy who gave a Book of Mormon away as a valentine. I thought of my kindergarten teacher and what a good person she was. I kept thinking about it now and then until many days later, when I was riding home from a friend's house, I told my mom that I wanted to give my teacher a Book of Mormon. As soon as I said it out loud I had such a strong feeling of happiness that I couldn't keep it in. My mom said that my feet were hardly touching the ground as we walked in the house and that feeling was the Holy Ghost letting me know that what I had decided to do made the Lord happy, too.
I took one of our Books of Mormon that we had for giving away, and I wrote my testimony inside. Being in kindergarten my testimony was very simple. I wrote: "I know that this book is true, Love Brock."
The very next day I put the book in my backpack and went to school. I felt a bit nervous. When I saw my teacher I remembered the feeling I had the night before, and I pulled the book out and walked up to her and handed it to her. She seemed happy that I had given it to her and the next week I got a card from her that said, "Dear Brock, thank you for the book. I feel very special that you would give me something that means so much to you. I will think of you when I read it."
I hope I will never forget how it felt to share my testimony that day. Being a member missionary is important for all of us and good practice for me for when I get to go on a full time mission for the Lord when I am older. I have a testimony of this gospel.