Is that the saddest little jack-o-lantern or what? :)
Friday Jeff had the day off for Nevada Day. We took the kids to lunch at Sammy's Woodfire Pizza. The whole shopping complex there was doing "safe trick-or-treating" for the afternoon, so we joined in the fun (even without the kids' costumes).
That night we went to our ward trunk-or-treat, which was a lot of fun. It's such an easy way to do it for our young kids.
One more funny story. My mom's birthday is on Halloween. We called her earlier in the day, and I had asked Lexi to sing "Happy Birthday To You" with Jeff and I. Well, my moms answering machine picked up and we sang, but Lexi barked the whole song like a dog (yep, she's still in act-like-a-dog phase). After we were done I scolded Lexi for barking the song and told her it made me sad that she wouldn't just sing for Nana. Well, then I looked at my phone, and it was still on, and the whole scolding was left on the message! BUSTED!! I just had to laugh...and I'm sure my mom did, too!
That was fun!! Thanks again for picking up Layne's costume for me - gotta love the $5 special! Funny about Lexi and the answering machine! So classic! Can't wait to hear what your mom thought!
judy!!! hi!
It's been forever! About 3 years exactly, since I came through Vegas on my way to NYC. I can't believe I've been here for 3 years! I was reading someone's blog and somehow came across's fun to see what you've been up to! You look great as always! We'll have to catch up more soon!
Jude, I can't believe how big Jackson is! How can it be? I actually love his bat costume...and $5--you cannot beat that! Wish we could be around to learn your Halloween songs and hear your Halloween stories. Maybe one day...
That is funny that Lexi thinks she is a dog. Haley thinks she is a cat and tries to say the blessing on the food in a "cat voice". She always calls me "Meow-meow" instead of ma ma or mom. Such cute pictures of your kids. They are getting so big and are sooo cute!
The kids are darling. I wish we were closer so we could have seen them in their costumes, but I'm glad we got to see pictures of them.
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