Okay, I'm already behind a week. This was two weeks ago!

The kids new favorite thing is to play with all of the couch pillows. They make tents and cribs and slides and mountains and anything.
Here's Lexi being a good mommy to baby Ariel

Thursday Jeff had a birthday. We were so excited to go out that night and go indoor skydiving to celebrate. Well, a few minutes before I picked up the babysitter I called the skydive place and they were closing early for a special event. Ugh! I was so bummed. So, we ended up going to grab a quick bite, and then we saw Eagle Eye. We still need to go indoor skydiving one of these days.

Some of our friends were in town for the day, so I met Lindsay at the mall. Turned out to be quite the fiasco for both of us. Between losing keys and a cell phone, the kids play area being torn down, Lexi peeing through her jeans (I mean SOAKED -- luckily I had just bought dress ups for Xmas presents, so she was quite happy to change into the new Snow White dress!) and the kids crying because they wanted to go on more rides (Jackson was screaming so loud that everyone in the area was just staring at me), we hardly got to catch up. And did I mention that I got home and couldn't find some of the stuff I had bought...I had left it at the store.
That night Jeff and I went to the temple for ward temple night, which was quite the fiasco, too. I left my dress at home and we got there with just seconds to spare! Fortunately I left feeling much better than I did when I arrived!

Saturday was a gorgeous day. We went hiking to Mary Jane Falls up at Mt. Charleston with some friends from the ward. We went prepared for winter cold, but it ended up being hot and sunny. It was really fun.
You guys do such a good job of getting out and enjoying life. It's always fun to see what you've been up to. Can't wait to see you next week. when do you come up?
Indoor skydiving? Sounds really scary! Happy Birthday Jeff!
Surviving motherhood takes a real heroine and you are one Judy.
indoor skydiving!!! are you crazy?!!! actually sounds fun.
Happy Birthday to Jefe! Crazy week - it seems like ALL of my weeks are CRAZY now! Sounds like the same for you...
Happy B-day Jeff! Man, he's old! I want to go indoor skydiving too! All my siblings have done the real thing; but being a mom, I don't feel great about it now. But I'll do it indoors!!!
Gotta love those pics of the kids on the bus!! Why are the trips ALWAYS too short!! Will you be out there for Christmas?? We might be coming up...??? XO
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