We had a BLAST this Thanksgiving! We first spent two days at Disneyland and California Adventure. Emily and Amber met us with their kids. Lexi loves Macey and follows everything she does, so she was in heaven!

and he met Chip or Dale (not sure!)
and rode in the stroller a lot.
Thursday morning we headed out to Emily & Steve's for Thanksgiving dinner with family and friends. We all had fun hanging out, playing cards, and eating, eating, eating. It was a perfect, warm & sunny day.
Lexi was happy with her princess sippie cup!
Grandma Luszeck fed Jackson
family photo - notice Lexi found dress ups!
That night we headed down to Laguna Beach and crashed the Banner family party at Steph's parent's house, which was amazing - complete with theater, elevator, dance studio, etc.! Friday the girls shopped and the boys played golf. It was so much fun! 
The boys watched plenty of sports in the theater!
Lexi and Kaitlyn
After the kids went down it was time for games!
We drove home early Saturday morning to miss traffic.
I spent most of the drive sitting between the kids entertaining them, as always!