Last Saturday we wanted to have a little fun, so we went down to Freemont Street (totally old/crappy area by the Strip) to try fried twinkies and fried oreos! I had heard about them for years and had wanted to try them, but it was a HUGE disappointment. They were so nasty! We tried a bite and then threw the rest away. Probably better that less thing to crave! :)

Afterwards we met our
friends at the Bellagio to watch the fountain show and check out their fall atrium display. It was awesome, as always! Here are a few pics from it.

This bucket of spilled apples was so cool.

I don't know where they found a pumpkin this big!

I just LOVED this tree creature.

Can you see the water fountains
shooting over Jeff's head?
And here are the kiddies on Halloween night.
We went to our ward trunk-or-treat,
which was a lot of fun.
Lexi just squealed with excitement when she saw her costume. It was so cute. She loves Barbie the Island Princess and asks to watch the movie every day. Now she wants to dress up everywhere we go. Yesterday we had to compromise to take off the dress and just wear the shoes and necklace to the gym and to run errands.

Jackson was our little cow.
Can you believe how blue his eyes are??
Thank you Luszeck genes! :)

All I can say is that Katelyn would be so jealous of Lexi's costume. She looks like she's loving life as a princess. What a cute little cow Jackson is. Katelyn was a cow for her first Halloween too. The display at the Bellagio looks amazing too. I'm glad you posted those pics.
I asked you once who Lexi looked like. ummm, YOU! she is spittin' image. so pretty. Where is your costume?
His eyes are soooo blue! I love your little cow Jude! And I gotta admit Lex does look like you, she's a doll.
I loved seeing these pictures. Yes, that was one huge pumpkin! And Lexi's costume is the best. I can't believe how Jackson has changed since we last saw him.
Cute pics! That was fun at Bellagio! Jackson's eyes are GORGEOUS!! Love them. Glad to know that the fried twinkies and oreos weren't good - I would've had to go and try them if you would've said they were good!
I'm so glad those fried twinkies were nasty, lol. I've always wanted to try them, so thank you thank you for saving me the calories, lol.
The kids are too cute dressed up. I love Lexi's dress. Did you break down and get her a different costume? It's super adorable! I guess I kept passing you at Trunk or Treat, Cole and Alan told me he saw you guys. I don't know where I was, lol.
Fun fun. Lexi looks beautiful, and Jackson's eyes were the first thing I noticed! Wow!
IT is good to know that the fried oreos and twinkies are gross. I've always wondered. Now I don't have to wonder any more. Your kids look adorable in their cosutmes and I love pictures from the Bellagio.
So cute! We miss you guys! Will we be seeing you in Nov? Do we need to make plans for a Thanksgiving D-land trip?
Hi this is Dad. Oh I love those costumes. Wish I could have been out trick or treating. Keep up the blog! I love your family, Dad/David
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