Last week was a blast! My brother, Isaac, and his family came down to stay with us for Spring Break. I love to talk to Isaac & Liz, marriage, family, the gospel, etc. We always stay up late talking, and I am still recovering from our discussions until 3 and 4am!
Sarah and Josh are getting so big. Lexi and Jackson loved playing with them and especially with Tucker, their dog. They followed him around and played with him the whole time (with the occasional kick, push, or punch). We're still working on being gentle!
Friday we swam and played at my friend's house (thanks again, Nicole!)
Then we went to the Strip at night.

We ate at Cheesecake Factory in Ceasar's Palace
Lexi loves uncle Isaac!
Then we watched the fountain show at the Bellagio
and went to the M&Ms store. We didn't get home until after midnight!
Saturday we swam at the Tew's and visited with Wayne & Patrice.
Lexi and "Flat Cooper" (my cousin's son, Cooper, sent us this as part of his class project on the book Flat Stanley). He's been to Texas, California, Oregon, Washington, and Nevada, and I just sent him to Utah.
Anyway, thanks for coming to visit Isaac, Liz, Josh, Sarah and Tucker!
Hey Judy - I found your site through Kell's blog. Lovely to see your family. Looks like you had a wonderful time with Issac and Liz down for a visit. Your kids look darling - lucky you to have successfully completed the potty training stage with your first.
Cute, cute pictures. Don't you just love when family comes to stay. We had my brother sterling and his wife and 3 girls come stay for spring break and it was a total blast.
You are as skinny as ever, I wish I still looked as good now as I did in high school, Beautiful!!
I'm starting to think I need a Judy visit. One of these days I'm going to make it down there.
I still can't get over Jackson with his big smile and spiked hair! It looks like you had lots of fun. The Bellagio fountains are my favorite thing on the strip!
so fun that they got to come out there! You guys should come out to Seattle!! Happy Birthday Judy!
holy cow-- I haven't seen your brother in years. Look at his older kids. how time does fly
Yes, Isaac & Liz and fam are so fun to hang out with. I'm glad you got to see them!
Wow, you had those kids out past strip curfew even. Looks like fun, i love visiting down there every once and while! Makes it fun to live in Vegas!
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