Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Wow, has it really been a month and a half since my last post? Yikes! Well, I have tons to catch up on, but I'll start with February. It was a great month!

Kathryn and Jenn came to visit for a weekend for Steven Tew's homecoming. It was a quick visit (Saturday to Sunday), but we had fun, especially visiting with everyone at the Tews on Sunday after church.

The night they were here Jeff got frosted cookies for the kids & Jenn. Luckily we had them eat them in the bath, because they were so messy! Jackson pooped blue for three days after! :)

The next weekend I took the kids to Utah. I drove up Friday to miss a snow storm (so glad I did because we got about 6 inches of snow at my parents house Saturday). Sat. afternoon we had Taryn's shower, and it was really fun to see her and everyone who came.

Sunday-Monday a group of my high school friends got together at Julia's parent's place in Fountain Green. It was so great to get together and catch up. All we did was talk and eat, and that's just how I wanted it. We also got to meet Lorianne's fiance for a minute, and we all approve! :)

Relaxing by the fire

I love these girls and think they are amazing!

Tuesday I headed up to Jane's to stay with her for the week while Whitney was out of town. It is crazy having all five kids together and no hubbies around to help, but we managed..and even got out of the house a few times!

One night we went to the Church History Museum. Hello - best kept secret! They have the cutest area for kids to play, and it's free.

They have blocks to build a temple

And the cutest little baby area where you can dress them up and then wiegh them and give them little check ups with doctors kits. The kids loved it!

We also went to Thanksgiving Point to pet the animals and go on pony rides. Wait - did I really not take any pictures of the kids on the ponies? Oops!

That Friday night my mom flew into town, and Isaac & Liz and the kids came up to hang out at Jane's. It was so fun to see everyone. Then saturday I made the trek home.

Haley had a fun birthday party at Peter Piper Pizza.

These girls are so cute! Lexi talks about Haley all the time. Whatever she is playing with at home she'll say, "and this one is for Haley."

And Jackson loves her, too. He says "hi Hayhay!"

Jeff and I went with a group of friends to go Indoor Skydiving. Do we look ridiculous or what? It was a blast. We'd definitely do it again, and it made me want to go real skydiving again.


Jenson Family said...

FINALLY! Are you alive? I was about to pick up the phone tonight to call you, but I thought - too late maybe?? Hope to see you soon when all of this RS bday stuff blows over... aaaah! I LOVE Lexi's chocolate baby!

Freer Family said...

I've been missing you too! Good to see a fun new post! You are so smart to have the kids eat messy cookies in the tub! Skydiving looks like a BLAST!!! One of these days we need a girl's night out!

jane said...

ok, those skydiving suits are hilarious! i am laughing out loud right now. So fun.

Kathryn said...

We always love to come see you in LV, Jude. We love you and the kids.

Jennifer said...

Lexi is my neice. I want to give her a big hug and kiss.