Daddy's shoes and socks!

*He is OBSESSED with trains, especially Thomas.
*He is now potty-trained. Wahoo! He loves to wear his Thomas underwear! And for a reward we bought guessed it...a Thomas train set. The funny thing was we had meant to get him the train for weeks, because he had been doing so well not having accidents. Well, one night we finally bought the train and were up in the loft putting it together...and he peed his pants!
*When he sees something messy he gets all serious and says, "hey, who did this mess?"
*Loves to take baths. When we first moved into this house he took at least three a day just for fun.
*Loves his Thomas blankie. (Thank you grandma!)
*He went through a phase when I would ask him to do something (can you go potty before we leave? or can you pick up your toys?) and he would just shrug his shoulders and say, "pobaby not mom." Hey, I appreciate the honesty! :)
*This fall we've been going to singing/story time at the library each week, and each time Jackson goes right up to the front and stands next to the librarian and even tries to "help" her with the visual aides on the board. It's so funny for me to see this side of him.
*Loves to turn on the keyboard as loud as it will go and dance around or jump on the bed to all the pre-programmed songs. We hear it blasting several times a day.
*Has mastered the two-year-old tantrum, and I'm pretty sure his favorite word is "no!"
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