8. Dinner at Khan's. Saturday my cousins, Aaron and Colin, arrived in London for a week visit, so we got to catch up a bit. We all went to dinner that night at our favorite Indian restaurant.
9. Playing Phase 10 ("skip Judy!"). This was a little family tradition from last time we lived in London, and finally Saturday night I got to play a round with Jenn.
10. Spending time with my parents. Coming from such a big family, it's always a treat to have one-on-one time with them. We have missed them since they've been in London. And I've taken so long to post this that they are done in London and are literally on their way home right now...probably just heading tot he airport. We're excited to have you guys back in driving distance!
11. Going home. Actually, just being home again...the actual getting there was a nightmare! It took us 30+ hours from start to finish, and we hardly slept on the planes. We had the worst, rudest cab driver from the BYU Center to Victoria Station, then we took a train to the airport. The airport was a disorganized mess. We were in line for over an hour even though we had checked in online. I had to leave the check-in line to throw up, then I had to leave the security line because I almost passed out (such drama!). Then I threw up on the plane some more. When we landed, Jeff's parents met us at Ontario, CA airport with our kids and the car all packed at 11pm (so nice of them to make it easy for us and save time driving back to Yucaipa). But then we got in the car and I drove the whole way home to Las Vegas while everyone else slept (NOTE: I chose to drive, since Jeff had to work the next morning, and because I trust myself to never fall asleep at the wheel). But it was good to be home and GREAT to see the kids again. We were all exhausted the next day. I had just fed Jackson lunch when I found him curled up asleep on our small, hard chairs!
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