Well, I just spent the day unpacking from yet another trip. Ugh! I love to travel, and this summer has been a lot of fun, but I think I have been gone more than I've been home in the last few months. I almost forget what it's like to just have my normal day-to-day life here in Vegas. I'm so ready to be home for a while that I actually talked Jeff into postponing our trip to Hawaii that we had planned for September. (I know, I'm kind of regretting that now, because a vacation without the kids does sound pretty nice!)
Anyway, we just went up to Utah for a really quick trip this weekend. We arrived around 2:00am Friday night (I guess
technically it was Saturday morning!), and the kids were WIRED! Lexi was jumping all over the bed, dancing, singing, and laughing, and Jackson was squealing and making all sorts of noise. We kept trying to calm them down so they wouldn't wake up my sister and her family in the next room.

Saturday we slept in a bit and then went up to Wildwood to see my grandparents. We had a great time visiting. Grandma took Jackson on the swing at the park. I hope I'm still riding swings when I am 88! Then grandma watched Jackson while Jeff and I took Lexi tubing down the Provo River for the first time. We weren't sure how she would do, but she LOVED it. She rode on Jeff's lap, but she would stick her hands and feet in the water, and then she started leaning back and dunking her whole head in the river. It was so funny.

That night we went to Grandma & Grandpa Pope's for Grandpa's huge 85th birthday party. They had a really nice dinner outside in their garden, and there were over 300 people there. Now that's a party! It was a beautiful night.

It was really fun to see a bunch of family and friends there. I also ran into Brother Flake and his wife. They were my teachers for the spring term that I spent at the BYU Jerusalem center, and I love them! Brother Flake loves babies and held Jackson all during dinner for me, which was so nice!
Sunday we went to church and had dinner with my family, and then we got home around 11:30 last night. Today I've done nothing but clean, grocery shop, unpack, do laundry, sort mail, etc., and I'm exhausted! Good thing I have a whole two weeks before our next trip! :)