Last week Jackson turned one! I can't believe it has been a year since he was born! I was looking back through some of his pictures, and I forgot how small he was! Here are some pics of him

just minutes after being born!

A few hours later

Two weeks old

A few months old

And last week...destroying his cake!


It was all fun until I had to clean everything up! :)
So cute Judy. I can't believe Jackson is already a year old. I still love those blue blue eyes.
Wow. Did that year just fly by? I, too, am shocked that your baby is one! He's super cute, though. Hopefully we get to spend some time at home this summer and see him and Lexi some more.
Happy Birthday "Witto Guy!!!" Too cute!
Yeah, the clean-up, not so fun. What a precious picture of him at a few months old!
They grow way too fast. Happy Birthday Jackson.
I can't believe it!! Time flys WAY too fast!! We miss you guys- I will call soon so we can chat and catch up!! Happy Birthday Jackson!!
How fun!!! Happy Birthday Jackson. I love the cake pictures Judy.
Happy Birthday! That was a fast year eh? Carson is next. Where does the time go?
I just remember how good Jackson was on the trip - hardly heard him complain. I can't believe he's now 1 year old! Great pics of him enjoying the cake!
Happy Birthday beautiful blue eyed boy!!!! I celebrated your birthday with a nasty case of mastitis! (=
No way!!! I don't even think we've met Jackson yet and he's already one?!? We are so driving out there very soon to see you guys! Happy Birthday Jackson!
I loved the pictures of Jackson. I only wish that we could have been around him to enjoy him at those cute stages.
I love this age! 1 & 2 yrs. old is my favorite. Its hard to get mad at them because their just curious and into everything! lots of messes though eh
Are you aware of how cute your kids are?!?!? I think Lexi is only 6 months older than Allie but she just seems so much bigger! So cute, I've been checking our your blog from all summer w/ your trips and everything, looks like you guys are always up to something fun! (minus ever coming to see US that is!!!) ;) anyway hey how do you like living in Vegas? I'm so sick of the cold, Danny and I want to move before next winter, but we hear the summers are pretty brutal in Vegas, what do you guys think? Ok sorry for the novel... :)
Wow that cake looks yummy! Happy Birthday Jackson!
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