1. I forgot to mention in my last post that for Christmas, Jane's husband, Whitney is sending Jane and I to Miami for five days in February! Check out the hotel! It may be pushed back since Jane is due in March and they are buying a house and have so much going on, but I'm so excited for whenever it happens! Here is the pool right on the beach.

4. Visiting with friends. Thursday we went to SLC to visit my best friend from growing up in Hawaii, Kaira. We hadn't seen eachother in a year and a half, so it was fun to catch up (even though Lexi was a total stink while we were there)! After that we went to see our friends from grad school in Indianapolis, the McKees, who now live in Heber. We love them! That night when we got to our car it was -2 degrees. Too cold for me! ( I wish I had pictures of all of this!)
The Popes live up Hobble Creek Canyon, and there was a few feet of snow up there. Lexi jumped into it a few times. I loved this shot of her laying in it!
7. Seeing Josh in his full BYU football gear he got for Christmas. Santa really pulled through this year! :)
8. Music Appreciation. Saturday night Whitney, Jess, Jaron, Brooke, and I were up talking and hanging out. We got on the subject of music, and Brooke and Whitney, both very musically talented, gave us all a lesson in music theory. Whitney pulled out the guitar to demonstrate different chords, and then we all just sang songs while he played. At midnight Whitney wanted us to hear a new song, but we didn't want to wake anyone up, so we all bundled up in whatever coats and shoes we could find and piled in to his Landcruiser parked on the street out front. We sat out there for over an hour and listened to songs. It was so much fun, and the best part was at the end of it Whitney gave me the three mix CDs we had listened to.
9. Going home. As much fun as our trip was, it's always nice to come home. We got home Sunday afternoon, and that night we got to visit with more friends from Indianapolis. We hadn't seen them in years, and it was so great to catch up. Chelsea (on the left) was the YW president and I was her counsellor in our ward in Indy. She and Brad started dental school the year Jeff started law school. Kristen and Ken came the following year for Ken to attend law school.
Poor Brad - It's hard not to look small when you're standing next to Jeff (6'7") and Ken (6'5")!
Great post! Too much fun stuff! It was definitely a busy holiday for you!
Hi Judy! I am happy to have found your blog so I can keep up with you a little bit! It looks like you had a good and busy Christmas!
*Hey Judy*
That is so cool that you got to see the Petersons and the Allsops. I am so jealous!! It looked like you had a fun Christmas break.
Love ya lots!!
Jannah & Family
P.S. We got your Christmas card and it is sooo cute!!
wow you are having way too much fun!! I am just jealous. So remember that time we lived in the same city and have not seen each other in forever!!!
Love the picture of Lexi in the snow! She looks like the perfect little snow angel!
I love that picture too of Lexi in the snow. And that was such a fun night in the car. And game night at our house. It was SO great to see you guys.
It was super fun to see you guys. Thanks for coming over and visiting. We had a blast. I'm glad you had a great holiday. You are always up to something fun.
Judy, it's so funny that you hang out with my brother at family stuff. I'm also amazed that you have a full-blown blondie posse of your own, seems like just yesterday at the A-frame.
You guys know how to have a good time. Looks like a fun holiday! I'm sooo jealous of your "gift" to Miami. How dreamy! The photo of Lexi in the snow is the cutest!
I think that hotel in Miami is really close to the one we stayed at. You'll love it! The beach out the back, and shopping out the front. Rent bikes one day and ride along the beach and even Lincoln Road - we loved it!
First, I am totally jealous of your impending Miami vacation with your sister. What a thoughtful husband. Next, you seem to have more fun than anyone I know. I am glad that you were able to see a few old friends. We have made so many good friends over the years as we have travelled for school. Looks like you have too. Good post!
Hey Jeff and Judy! First of all, YAY I found you on Kim's blog. I was wondering if you guys were bloggers. Also, CUUUUUTE christmas card! That was so fun to get. We got it a little late since we moved in August and the mail is slow, but it still was so fun to receive. Hope all is well with you guys, I can't wait to read more on what's going on w/ you!
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