Friday, September 19, 2008

Baby Tag

Name and meaning: Jackson Tyler Luszeck. We just liked Jackson, but I don't know what it means. Tyler is Jeff's brother's name.

Age: 20 months
Nicknames: Little guy, little dude, Jack Jack, bud

Favorite Activities: swimming, eating, reading books, playing at the park, destroying the pantry, playing with water, watching cars go by out the window from his crib (he probably does this for an hour a day after he wakes up!), and standing on the stool

Favorite Foods: chocolate banana protein shakes (he stands on the stool to watch while I make mine every morning then helps me finish drinking it), pasta, popsicles, peanut butter

Least Favorite Foods: veggies. He usually just spits them out!
Favorite Music: Anything. I sing to him a lot, and he loves to dance around. He loves Itsy Bitsy Spider, BINGO, primary songs, the wicked soundtrack, and rockin' out to The story by Brandi Carlisle
Favorite Toys: The puppy, cars, anything Lexi is using, cups
Favorite Book: He just loves books. I regularly find him sitting on the floor with a book in his lap like today (I didn't pose him for this picture). He loves The Hungry Caterpillar, any touch and feel books, pop-up books, etc. I love listening to the excited oohhs and aahhs and squeals he makes when he's "reading."
Favorite item of clothing: nothing that I've noticed, but he loves his blankie ("deetee")

What makes him happy: mom and dad and Lexi, his blankie and bottle, getting what he wants , eating
What makes him sad: when Lexi hurts him (which happens many times a day), getting something taken away from him, when I leave

1 comment:

Jenson Family said...

I love the "widdo guy!" He's so cute!