Grandma Luszeck fed Jackson
The boys watched plenty of sports in the theater!
Lexi and Kaitlyn
After the kids went down it was time for games!
We drove home early Saturday morning to miss traffic.
I spent most of the drive sitting between the kids entertaining them, as always!
Lexi just squealed with excitement when she saw her costume. It was so cute. She loves Barbie the Island Princess and asks to watch the movie every day. Now she wants to dress up everywhere we go. Yesterday we had to compromise to take off the dress and just wear the shoes and necklace to the gym and to run errands.
Jackson was our little cow.
Can you believe how blue his eyes are??
Thank you Luszeck genes! :)
Last weekend (I'm behind - I mean the weekend of the 19th) we went to California for our friend's surprise birthday party on Friday night. Mike is Jeff's best friend from growing up, and a bunch of their old friends from Yucaipa were at the party. It was hilarious to hear all of their stories from high school. Jeff's parents watched the kids that night, and they were nice enough to watch them again Saturday morning so Jeff and I could go to the Redlands Temple.
Saturday afternoon we met some of Jeff's friends at the apple orchards in Oak Glen. Lexi was so excited to wear a balloon hat and ride on a little choo-choo train.
Sunday we went to church and had dinner with Jeff's family then drove down to San Clemente to stay with Mike & Lindsay. On our way down, we got kicked off the road due to a fire burning on a hill to the side of us. (This was the start of the fire that was in Orange County). It was pretty scary to see such a big fire burning so close to us and know that if the winds changed, it could head our direction at any time.
Monday we woke up and there was tons of smoke outside from all of the fires. Despite the poor air quality, we decided to head to Disneyland as planned. Jeff and I finally redeemed our annual passes that his parents had given us. We spent most of the day at California Adventure, which I had never been to. Loved it! They have the best roller coaster I have ever been on, and we loved Soarin' Over California, the Bug's Life kids rides, and the Maliboomer. Lexi was hilarious dancing with the Miner 49's band. They asked kids to come up and learn a dance. She didn't follow instructions like the other kids, of course. Instead, she just pushed her way to the front of everyone and just danced around. It was hilarious! She stole the show! We stayed until around 8:00pm, and by that time Jeff, Lexi, and I were exhausted...but Jackson was somehow wide awake! Where do kids get their energy from???
Jeff had to work the next morning, so we drove home that night. Due to the fires, the I-15 was closed, so Jeff and I had to drive through an alternate route which didn't get us home until 2am. We were dead, but it was such a fun weekend, and we can't wait to go back to Cali for Thanksgiving.
Saturday night we took the kids to the BYU/UNLV game. It was Jackson's first football game, and he loved it!
We were all happy that BYU won!
And Sunday, we went to church.